Rally Pay: One-click checkout for the web
As a merchant, you want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to buy. It can't get any easier than with Rally Pay. Here is why.
Jessica McDougall
May 19, 2023
As a merchant, you want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to buy. Lowering friction to purchase means better conversion rate, better buying experience, and better business performance.
Of all the stages of the buyer’s journey, there are none where reducing friction matters more than at checkout. According to one estimate, ecommerce brands in the US and EU alone can recover $260 billion in lost orders simply by providing a simpler checkout experience.
Digital wallets such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and others have gone a long way in making online checkout easier. But only 35% of online shoppers use digital wallets for online purchases. That leaves a significant percentage of online shoppers still checking out through form fields.
It’s 2021, and shoppers deserve more than entering their first, last name, address, city, state, zip, and payment info over and over and over again across the Internet. It’s time to make purchasing for these shoppers much, much easier. And with Rally Pay, that’s exactly what we’ve set out to do.
Current checkout solutions: Close, but not quite there
The last few years have seen a number of new solutions emerge promising a simpler, more streamlined checkout experience. Some are stand-alone solutions, others are part of larger ecommerce ecosystems -- all leave room for improvement. Let’s talk about why.
Problem #1: Drawn-out account creation processes. In most cases, you still have to go through the lengthy, drawn-out account creation process your first time through the store to get to that streamlined, one-click experience. And, as the data has already told us, shoppers don’t want to have to create an account. So if your “one-click” solution requires them to do that, how does that fix anything?
Problem #2: Checking out in a popup. Many of the one-click solutions on the market today offer the entire buying experience inside of a popup modal. A shopper goes through your beautiful site, only to be forced to check out inside of a small popup. That can be jarring for shoppers, and damage their trust at the most critical step.
Problem #3: Vendor lock-in. The ecommerce platforms that offer one-click checkout require you to use their frontend, backend, and payment processing technologies as well, meaning as a merchant or a developer, your hands are tied: either you use the platform’s tools and surrender your freedom to build your site on your terms, or you can’t use their one-click feature at all.
Introducing Rally Pay: Better, simpler checkout
At Rally, we believe checkout is too important to the online shopping experience to not get exactly right. So we spent more than a year building a checkout the way we know shoppers, merchants and developers want to use it. How do we know it? From our past experience processing $3 billion in sales. Here’s what that means:
Done-for-you account creation. One of the top reasons shoppers give for abandoning cart is being asked to create an account. So with Rally Pay, we don’t ask them to. Instead, we simply ask if they’d like us to remember their info for next time.

Fast track to one-click checkout. Once a shopper goes through a Rally checkout once, Rally Pay makes the purchase process one-click moving forward at ALL Rally checkouts.

Step-by-step data entry. Another of the top reasons shoppers abandon cart is because the guest checkout process was too long or too complicated. So instead of saddling shoppers with a forest of fields to fill out, Rally checkout guides them through the process step by step.

Platform and processor agnostic. We’ve written before about why we think centralization is a problem for merchants, developers, and the ecommerce ecosystem as a whole. That’s why we’ve built Rally Pay to work with any storefront, any backend, any payment processors our customers want to use. This means Rally Pay works across platforms and processors!

Checkout done right
The ecommerce world is more hectic, more crowded, and moving faster than ever before, which is why it’s more important than ever for merchants and developers to get the shopping experience exactly right. Enabling seamless, frictionless one-click checkout plays a huge role in how you do that. At Rally, we’ve put a ton of thought into making sure our one-click checkout provides the best possible experience for all stakeholders in the ecommerce value chain:
For shoppers, it means a simple, streamlined, secure checkout experience.
For merchants, it means a consistent, unified checkout experience that they control.
For developers, it means the freedom to build on their terms -- no compromises.
Ready to get started with flexible, one-click checkout?
Try the Rally checkout in our demo store!
If you’re a merchant and are interested in using our checkout, schedule a demo.
If you’re an app developer or partner and want to work together, get in touch.
And if you want to join us on the journey, sign up for our newsletter.