15 Tips for Optimizing Your Checkout Page

Follow these 15 tips to optimize your checkout page designs and increase customer conversion.

Elizabeth Arnold

May 19, 2023

With so much competition in the e-commerce sector, it’s essential to optimize your checkout page to keep customers coming back. One of the main reasons customers abandon the checkout process is because of a poor experience.

A complicated, confusing, or insecure checkout page can frustrate your customers and make them lose trust in your brand. That’s why your checkout process should be easy, fast, and secure.

In this post, we’ll explain what a checkout page is, what factors can drive customers away, and share tips on providing a seamless experience.

What Is a Checkout Page?

The checkout page is the final step in purchasing something online.

It’s where customers enter their payment information, shipping address, and any other details required to complete their purchase. This page can make or break an online sale.

There are two common types of checkout pages: 

  • Multi-page :This type of checkout requires customers to fill out multiple pages, usually hitting a “next” button to move forward in the process. While it may take customers longer to complete the checkout process, it allows you to collect more details. For example, with some checkouts, if someone abandons checkout in the middle of the process, you can still access the data they entered during previous steps and send a follow-up email.

  • One-page: With this checkout template, customers can enter all of their details on one page, which makes the process ideal for mobile shoppers. It lets customers view their order summary and ensure everything is correct before submitting.

Checkout Abandonment: What’s Driving Customers Away?

An optimized checkout page is beneficial for you and your customers because it leads to:

Before optimizing your page, it’s essential to understand what’s causing customers to abandon the checkout process. Here are some of the common causes:

Additional Fees and Unexpected Costs

Customers should know exactly how much they’ll have to pay for shipping before they reach the final steps in the checkout process.

Unexpected costs and fees may make customers think twice before purchasing. 

Complex Checkout

Make sure forms are short and straightforward so you don’t overwhelm customers as they try to fill out the fields.

This also applies to the visual aspect of your checkout page. Too many elements and features can make it difficult for customers to understand what they need to do.

Crashes, Errors, and Slow Site Speeds

If you have a checkout page that experiences errors, loads slowly, or keeps crashing, the customer may give up on the purchase and look elsewhere.

Test your site regularly and quickly address any technical issues. Use site analytics to identify any customer issues with the checkout process, so you can make changes to reduce abandonment rates.

Limited Payment Methods and Shipping Options

Customers who can’t pay with their preferred payment method or don’t see their preferred shipping option may abandon the checkout page.

Checkout Page Optimization: 15 Tips for Providing a Seamless Experience

Now that you know what causes customers to abandon checkout, let’s look at 15 ways to optimize your checkout page and ensure more customers complete their purchases.

1. Provide a Guest Checkout Option.

Many customers don’t want to create an account.

Providing a guest checkout option makes it easier for them to purchase from you. If you aim to collect more data, you can allow users to log in with their social media credentials or Google account.

2. Offer Various Payment Options.

 In addition to accepting debit and credit cards, you may want to offer payment options such as:

  • Digital wallets (Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay)

  • PayPal

  • Stripe

  • Buy-now-pay-later apps (BNPLs), like Klarna and AfterPay

3. Prioritize Mobile-friendly Design.

According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 42% of participants shopped online on their smartphones more than on desktop computers.

Optimize your site for mobile devices so customers can complete their purchases with no problems.

4. Add Payment Logos and Security Seals.

Adding payment logos and security seals to your checkout page can help build customer trust and reassure them that you’re protecting their data.

5. Remove Unnecessary Questions from Forms.

Keep forms short and simple.

Removing unnecessary questions will help customers complete their purchases faster. Include only essential information, and mark the required fields.

6. Include a Progress Indicator.

Add a progress indicator at the top of your checkout pages so customers can quickly see how much further they need to go.

7. Limit Distractions.

Avoid adding unnecessary elements or features that could distract customers.

This includes ads, banners, and pop-ups unrelated to the purchase. You want to keep customers focused on completing their purchase.

8. Add Data Validation.

Data validation ensures customers enter the correct information in fields like billing and shipping addresses.

9. Offer One-click Checkout.

One-click checkout lets customers complete their purchases with one click, eliminating the need to enter payment and shipping information each time they make a purchase.

10. Eliminate Unexpected Fees.

Be transparent about all applicable costs in your checkout process so customers know what they’re paying. These costs may include shipping, taxes, and handling fees.

11. Add Checkout Buttons.

Add checkout buttons at the top and bottom of your page so customers know where to click when they finish shopping.

12. Set Up Auto-save.

If a customer needs to step away from the checkout process in the middle of their purchase, auto-save allows them to return later and continue where they left off.

13. Offer Coupon Codes.

Coupon codes incentivize customers to complete their purchases. This is especially useful if they’re unsure about buying your product or service. 

Auto-apply coupons during checkout, so customers don’t have to remember codes.

14. Send Abandoned Checkout Emails.

Email customers who didn’t complete a checkout and encourage them to complete their purchase. Remind them about the value of the product or service they were considering buying. You might also offer a discount on that item.

15. Use A/B Testing.

Test different checkout page designs and see which one works best. Consider testing colors, fonts, images, and features to optimize your checkout page for conversions.

Now that you know some of the best practices, it’s time to optimize your checkout page.

For inspiration, check out our picks for the best e-commerce checkout page examples.

Boost Conversions With Rally Pay

Optimizing your checkout page is essential for any successful e-commerce business looking to increase sales and build customer loyalty.

With Rally Pay, you can offer customers a shorter, faster checkout process that lets them purchase items with a single click. Start your free trial with our one-click checkout page with post-purchase offers today.


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